Right time | right decision | right changes | right returns … tennis in Australia has the capacity to add a few r’s to their overall development in light of it’s non – representation in any of the ‘world junior teams’ events this year. Surely with our history, culture, climate and resources this can be addressed for furthering the aspiring players dreams.
Reviews, in all sports are being conducted nation wide as the Olympic year comes to an end, trade and negotiations commence as AFL clubs relook and rebuild and then all will review the reviews.
So too is the national coaching in tennis having some movement (it’s called accountability) and discussion with player (women) focus groups to identify where the pathway stutters and fades. The movement of coaches and new directions and changes to personnel plus the action taken from tennis feedback hopefully will set up strategies and clear bold initiatives to get that boost and belief so evident in the recent major footy codes grand final results.
Resource distribution towards second tier player assistance and training may well be the answer to our development (spread the finance, spread the knowledge, spread the hope) and it is an old saying but ever so true … the bigger the base, the higher the pyramid.
Tennis is gearing itself for another brilliant summer and hopefully we will hear the right plans to return us to our rightful place in world tennis!
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