As sports people we are use to routines and schedules and we find it quite easy to go about our preparation to perform, develop, improve and it becomes second nature … however, during this time of restrictions nothing is second nature or normal as we confine ourselves all to benefit our communities.
In Australia, after our summer of tennis, players went about training with a plan and routine/schedule in readiness for the next tournament block – around the Easter break. Then courts were closed, tournaments cancelled, training ceased … what to do with no date of return … coaches advising these high performers to work on fitness and do what they can in what space is available to up-keep their skills … which is good.
But it’s tournament time and this is where this new routine requires discipline … simulate match play components starting with competitiveness – everything you do, compete – play station (can’t believe I said that) or board games or time/count your activity; movement – agility , flexibility, reflex, speed, endurance – simulate all (fast & slow) – sock soccer, paddlepop sprints, throw a afl or rugby ball against a wall and pickup clean ; touch/hitting spots – brick on a wall, hit a pair of rolled up socks into a bin, shadow swings, take your racquet when you go for a run (restrictions on exercise time) and count number of bounces (use both arms), play darts; brain – stimulate ideas to simulate play.
Wishing you all well in your tournament/competition block and I know this will require out of the ordinary discipline but we are in extraordinary times. If you want, please send videos through to our new #tennistag #yourit (a platform started by us to share our isolated moments and keep in touch with our tennis community)
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